Parent Alliance
"a cooperative communication effort among parents, teachers and administrators"
Dear Parents and Guardians,
The Onteora High School Parent Alliance is a group of parents and administrators that meets several times during the school year. The goals of the group are to facilitate an exchange of information and ideas among parents, teachers and administrators and to provide parents who wish to remain involved in their children's education a forum for doing so. Parental involvement, even at this age, has a positive impact on a child's education and benefits both students and families.
High School Parent Alliance meetings are informal and the agenda is driven by parental questions or concerns and news from the High School that we are eager to pass along to parents. Meetings often include presentations by faculty or staff members on topics of current interest to parents and students. The High School Parent Alliance will not be involved in any fundraising or hospitality activities; instead, we are looking to create a cooperative environment in which to share information and skills.
A parent coordinator manages an e-mail list of interested parents and sends meeting notices and agenda details out prior to each meeting. Meetings are generally held at 5:30 p.m. in the High School Library and last approximately ninety minutes. To be included on this list, please e-mail Virginia Wiswall, our Parent Coordinator, at and ask to be added to the High School Parent Alliance e-mail list. To access the High School Parent Alliance web page from the High School's home page (Change URL), click on "Our School" and then "HS Parent Alliance."
I'd like to take this opportunity to extend a personal invitation to you to join us at our next meeting. Parents often express dismay at their lack of involvement with school as their children grow older. The Onteora High School Parent Alliance provides families with High School aged students an opportunity to remain involved with their child's education in an age appropriate program. I encourage you to do so - your participation is welcome and I look forward to seeing you at our next meeting.
Lance S. Edelman
High School Principal
Onteora High School