P: (845) 657-2373
Academic Reinforcement
- Academic Reinforcement
- English 9 Intensive
- English 10 Intensive
- Global History and Geography 9 Intensive
- U.S. History and Government Intensive
Academic Reinforcement
Course Syllabus
Resource Room
Welcome! Resource Room is specialized supplementary instruction in a small group setting scheduled for one period per day throughout the entire school year.
Course Objectives:
1. To increase skills and confidence related to core academic areas
2. To keep pace with assignments and concepts in required classes
3. To increase ability to work with others, and to work independently
4. To improve ability to self-monitor assignment completion
5. To increase ability to politely self-advocate
6. To research transition goals and interests
Classroom Expectations:
All school rules apply in the classroom.
Act respectfully toward yourself, other students, and the staff in the classroom
Speak politely
Be kind to yourself and others
Come to class on time. If you are late, enter the room quietly
Bring all of your materials* to class every day
Raise your hand to ask or answer questions
Listen to staff and students
Do your own work, unless you are directed to work with others.
Be careful to avoid plagiarism. Identify your sources.
Keep the classroom neat.
*Materials: a folder for handouts, a pen or pencil, and your Chrome Book. Bring materials you will need from other classes.
English 9 Intensive
English 10 Intensive
Course Syllabus
Welcome to English 10!
English 10 is primarily about communicating. One of our goals is for students to become more capable and comfortable with thinking independently and sharing their own ideas. Students will be analyzing literature and non-fiction. They will have time and direction to become more confident writers. Students will have the chance to use different reading and writing strategies, to conduct research, and to present projects. The study of English will allow students to become more thoughtful listeners and capable speakers.
Classroom Expectations:
All school rules apply in the classroom.
Act respectfully toward yourself, other students, and the staff in the classroom.
Speak politely
Be kind to yourself and others.
Come to class on time. If you are late, enter the room quietly.
Bring all of your materials* to class every day.
Hand in completed assignments on time.
Participate in class. It truly helps you learn more.
Raise your hand to ask or answer questions.
Listen to staff and to each other.
Do your own work, unless you are directed to work with others.
Be careful to avoid plagiarism. Identify your sources.
If you are absent, make up the work you missed and hand it in.
Keep the classroom neat.
Please note: If you are not respectful in class, you will be asked to leave so that learning can continue peacefully. Anyone may have a bad day – but no one is allowed to disrupt the learning of other students.
*Materials: You will need a notebook or binder, a folder for handouts, and a pen or pencil. You will be given different texts and handouts to read throughout the year.
Classwork/Homework – 30% Tests and Projects – 20%
Essays/Major Writing – 20% Participation – 15%
Quizzes/Presentations – 15%
There will be a mid-term exam and a final exam
(Late work loses ten points a day)
Classwork/Homework (30% of your grade):
Check plus (100%) done with extra effort
Check (85%) satisfactorily completed
Check minus (65%) incomplete or unsatisfactorily completed
Zero not completed or minimal effort shown
The major literature covered in tenth grade English may include, but is not limited to: Twelve Angry Men; To Kill A Mockingbird; Persepolis; The House on Mango Street; Night; Born a Crime; Much Ado About Nothing;. We will be reading poetry, non-fiction, essays, speeches, and articles. We will be writing poetry, essays, and journals. We will prepare for the midterm and final exams throughout the year.