Student Parking
Select this link for the parking permit application.
Student Parking/Driving Privileges
A limited number of parking spaces have been allocated for students who are approved by the building administration to drive to school. A student who wishes to drive their vehicle to school must complete an application for student parking privileges and receive approval for this privilege. Approved students will be issued a permit sticker that must be placed on the driver’s side front windshield next to the vehicle’s registration sticker.
Students who drive to school must exhibit safe and responsible driving practices at all times. Unsafe driving practices (i.e., speeding, tire burn-outs, driving off pavement, etc.) may result in a loss of driving privileges or other behavioral consequences. Student drivers are not to loiter in the parking areas. All student drivers are to park in the designated area of the West End parking lot. All disciplinary actions will be at the discretion of the building principal and a student’s driving privilege may be revoked at any time.
Please note the following additional guidelines:
- Students may only park at the West End/Tennis Court parking lot during the instructional day.
- Students may not park in visitor spaces or other designated reserved spaces without the approval of the building administration.
- Student vehicles are to be used to drive to school for classes and to return home at dismissal.
- Student vehicles will not be used to leave school during the day, except in an emergency and with the permission of the administration and a parent/guardian. Students who leave without permission will be subjected to the revocation of their parking privileges as well as other disciplinary actions.
- The vehicle must be locked at all times and will not be used by the student or their friends to loiter in or accessed for other purposes without administrative approval.
- The vehicle is not to be loaned to another student without prior written parent/guardian approval and administrative approval.
- All vehicles parked in school facilities must have a valid permit. Failure to do so may be deemed trespassing.
- No reckless driving or speeding is permitted.
- All policies and the Code of Conduct regarding use of School District property apply to vehicle s parked on school property (including but not limited to no possession or use of alcohol, illegal or other drugs, tobacco products, smoking, vaping, etc. on school property).
- No vehicle may be left on school property overnight unless there is an emergency and the student receives prior written permission of an administrator.
- Students park on school property at their own risk. The School District will not be liable for any damage to the vehicle being towed by the School District or otherwise taken from the property by a third party.
- All vehicles are subject to administrative search.
- Parking privileges can be revoked after a student is late 3 or more times to school.
Parking privileges will be revoked for failure to follow the above rules. Consequences for violations may include:
- 1st Violation - Warning based on the Code of Conduct and parent contact.
- 2nd Violation – Suspension of parking and possible towing of the vehicle.
- 3rd Violation - Revoking of parking privileges for up to one year, Towing of the vehicle from school grounds at the owner’s expense.