2025 - January Examinations Information
In an effort to minimize the amount of testing administered to students on a given day, the Onteora High School is spreading out the midterm examination window from January 13th through January 24th.
January 13th – January 17th
During this time period, several courses will be administering midterms during their regularly scheduled class periods. All students are expected to attend school and follow their normal daily schedule during this time period. All BOCES programs will continue to be in session and students are expected to attend their career and technology programs.
January 21st – January 24th
Only students who have been scheduled to take exams need to be in attendance. Students will be provided with their exam locations by their teachers/school counselors. There will be a midday bus run home for high school students leaving between 11:10 and 11:15 if they are done with their exams for the day.
School Delays/Closings
In the event of a two or three-hour delay or school closing, check the website for any rescheduled course exam dates and times.
If school is closed on a date that Regents are being given, the state may allow students to take the Regents on a different day during the Regents administration period. Please check the high school’s website to see if a cancelled exam has been rescheduled.
If there is a two-hour delay, morning Regents will begin at 9:45 A.M. promptly (no admittance after 10 A.M.) and afternoon Regents will begin at their normal time of 11:30 A.M. DO NOT USE THE TIMES LISTED ON THE STATE’S WEBSITE FOR REGENTS!
BOCES Information
Career and Tech Program - Students who participate in the Career and Tech Program are expected to attend their BOCES classes (1/13-1/17). BOCES will not be holding any career and technology classes from January 21st through January 24th.
Late Buses
Throughout the exam week, there will be a 4:20 P.M. and a 5:15 P.M. late bus departing from the high school
Reducing Testing Anxiety Resources
10 Ways to Overcome Test Anxiety
High Stakes Testing - For Parents