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English 9-Course Outline


English 9

 English 9 is designed to build on and improve reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills, and is based on the common core standards.  Students will read and analyze short stories, poems, novels, plays, and essays from the 9th grade anthology in addition to a variety of other literature.  Some of the literature may include:  Speak, Of Mice and Men, A Hundred Sideways Miles, The Miracle Worker, Lord of the Flies, The Old Man and the Sea, and Romeo and Juliet.  The class is designed for students to improve and master basic skills, build on these skills to reach more sophisticated thinking, speaking, reading, and writing, and to begin preparing for required exams.  Students will be expected to write journals, essays, poems, and reports.  Research methods will be introduced and explored and listening skills will be emphasized.  They will also develop their public speaking skills, and cooperate in group activities and assignments.  The course is designed to meet the needs of and bring out the best in all students and address individual learning styles.