PSAT = Practice Scholastic Aptitude Test
At Onteora, the PSAT is recommended for 11th and select 10th grade students. The test gives students an indication of how they will perform on the SAT.
SAT = Scholastic Aptitude Test
ACT = American College Testing
Many colleges require the SAT or ACT for college admissions. Students will need to register for either test using the respective websites. Fee waivers are available for qualified students - see your counsleor. School counselors recommend students take the SAT or ACT in the spring of 11th grade and again in the fall of 12th grade.
The PSAT, SAT and ACT are national standardized tests offered by private companies, not schools. The SAT and ACT are used for college admissions and the PSAT is a practice SAT for 10th and 11th grade students.