Contact Information:
P: (845) 657-2373
Middle School Chorus
High School Chorus
Piano 1
Piano 2
Sounds of Jazz
Performance Dress Code Policy
It is important that we have professional and uniform attire for our performances. We are a team and should dress similarly for performance. While we do not provide or order uniforms, each student is expected to perform in ALL BLACK concert attire. Attire for all choirs will be as follows, black close-toed dress shoes, black socks or stockings, either black dress pants and black dress shirt OR black dress to at least the knee. Use your best judgment. You should look professional and appropriate for school. Any student not adhering to the dress code will not be permitted to perform in the concert. Ms. Rondeau will go over specifics of concert attire at a later date. If you have questions or concerns, please contact me.
Choral Music and Folder Policy
All students will be expected to keep their music in a choral folder provided by the school. Students are responsible for keeping track of their folder and music throughout the school year. Should their folder or music be lost, stolen, or damaged, the student will be financially responsible for replacement. It is understood that normal wear and tear will occur; however, damage due to carelessness in unacceptable.
Performance Policy
Performances are the opportunity for the choruses to showcase their achievements to family, friends, teachers, and the community and are a significant portion of the daytime ensemble grade. Attendance is mandatory for each and every performance. The absence of a student to a performance is to be taken very seriously. A missing piece of this group prevents the ensemble from performing to its fullest potential.
If a performance must be missed, a written letter signed by the student and parent/guardian, must be submitted to the director explaining the reason for the forseen anticipated absence no fewer than 2 weeks before the performance (no exceptions). If the absence is due to an illness or family emergency, the letter must be submitted the next day the student returns to school. At this time, the student will be assigned a written assignment in order to receive credit for the missed performance. This assignment will be due within one week of the missed performance to receive full performance credit.
Excused absences include:
· A known scheduling conflict (family wedding, graduation, etc.)
· Severe illness, death in the family, other family emergency
Students will NOT be excused (even with a note) for work/sports conflicts, lack of transportation, to study for tests/exams, homework, etc. Students are given performance dates well in advance and are expected to plan ahead so they may be in attendance.
To gain full performance credit and be allowed to perform in the concert, a student must arrive to dress rehearsals as well as performances on time with proper attire AND stay for the entirety of the concert.
Singing Tests/Quizzes
Written quizzes on historical, musical, and theoretical aspects of music will be given throughout the year. Weekly singing evaluations will also be given to track student progress and understanding of concert material. Most singing evaluations will take place during lesson blocks but evaluations may take place in the full choir block from time to time. Please contact me with any concerns, I am here to help you be the best singer you can be!
Students are expected to be at rehearsal on time, musically prepared, and with folder, music, sharpened pencil, and a positive attitude. Points will be deducted from daily participation grade if a student is not prepared. All students are expected to actively participate to the best of their ability at EVERY rehearsal.
· No food or gum is allowed in rehearsals
· Water is the only beverage allowed in the choir room
Rehearsals are to be a respectful and productive environment where all students can be free to grow musically, academically, and emotionally.
Grading Policy
Performance 30%
Lesson Attendance and Singing Quizzes 20%
Rehearsals 30%
Daily Journal 20%
*A contract signed by both the student and their parent or guardian is required of ALL students (regardless of age). Students failing to return this contract will NOT be permitted to perform in the concerts and therefore will receive a 0% for the performance portion of their grade.
Director Contact Information
Brittany Carroll
I am so excited to be working with all of you this year!
Welcome to Onteora Middle/High School Choir
Let’s Sing!
Performance Dress Code Policy
It is important that we have professional and uniform attire for our performances. We are a team and should dress similarly for performance. While we do not provide or order uniforms, each student is expected to perform in ALL BLACK concert attire. Attire for all choirs will be as follows, black close-toed dress shoes, black socks or stockings, either black dress pants and black dress shirt OR black dress to at least the knee. Use your best judgment. You should look professional and appropriate for school. Any student not adhering to the dress code will not be permitted to perform in the concert. Ms. Rondeau will go over specifics of concert attire at a later date. If you have questions or concerns, please contact me.
Choral Music and Folder Policy
All students will be expected to keep their music in a choral folder provided by the school. Students are responsible for keeping track of their folder and music throughout the school year. Should their folder or music be lost, stolen, or damaged, the student will be financially responsible for replacement. It is understood that normal wear and tear will occur; however, damage due to carelessness in unacceptable.
Performance Policy
Performances are the opportunity for the choruses to showcase their achievements to family, friends, teachers, and the community and are a significant portion of the daytime ensemble grade. Attendance is mandatory for each and every performance. The absence of a student to a performance is to be taken very seriously. A missing piece of this group prevents the ensemble from performing to its fullest potential.
If a performance must be missed, a written letter signed by the student and parent/guardian, must be submitted to the director explaining the reason for the forseen anticipated absence no fewer than 2 weeks before the performance (no exceptions). If the absence is due to an illness or family emergency, the letter must be submitted the next day the student returns to school. At this time, the student will be assigned a written assignment in order to receive credit for the missed performance. This assignment will be due within one week of the missed performance to receive full performance credit.
Excused absences include:
· A known scheduling conflict (family wedding, graduation, etc.)
· Severe illness, death in the family, other family emergency
Students will NOT be excused (even with a note) for work/sports conflicts, lack of transportation, to study for tests/exams, homework, etc. Students are given performance dates well in advance and are expected to plan ahead so they may be in attendance.
To gain full performance credit and be allowed to perform in the concert, a student must arrive to dress rehearsals as well as performances on time with proper attire AND stay for the entirety of the concert.
Singing Tests/Quizzes
Written quizzes on historical, musical, and theoretical aspects of music will be given throughout the year. Weekly singing evaluations will also be given to track student progress and understanding of concert material. Most singing evaluations will take place during lesson blocks but evaluations may take place in the full choir block from time to time. Please contact me with any concerns, I am here to help you be the best singer you can be!
Students are expected to be at rehearsal on time, musically prepared, and with folder, music, sharpened pencil, and a positive attitude. Points will be deducted from daily participation grade if a student is not prepared. All students are expected to actively participate to the best of their ability at EVERY rehearsal.
· No food or gum is allowed in rehearsals
· Water is the only beverage allowed in the choir room
Rehearsals are to be a respectful and productive environment where all students can be free to grow musically, academically, and emotionally.
Grading Policy
Performance 30%
Lesson Attendance and Singing Quizzes 20%
Rehearsals 30%
Daily Journal 20%
*A contract signed by both the student and their parent or guardian is required of ALL students (regardless of age). Students failing to return this contract will NOT be permitted to perform in the concerts and therefore will receive a 0% for the performance portion of their grade.
Director Contact Information
Brittany Carroll
I am so excited to be working with all of you this year!
Welcome to Onteora Middle/High School Choir
Let’s Sing!
Intro to Piano
Spring 2015
Description: Throughout this course, students will gain an understanding of basic theory and piano playing techniques. The course will consist of group lessons, theory instruction, independent practice and theory drills, and small group work.
Intro to Piano Classroom Rules
Be on time
Have all required materials including your notebook, pencil, homework and headphones
Be polite, positive, and respectful
Work hard
NO food, gum, or beverages in class. If you must have water, keep it away from the keyboards
Please raise your hand to ask questions, there are many of you and only one of me!
Ask questions and ask for help when you need it
Course Content
Parts of the piano
Parts of the staff
Parts of a note
Note reading
Rhythm reading
Time signatures
Key signatures
Musical symbols
Dynamic markings
Tempo markings
Sight reading
Playing position
Piano fingerings
Prominent piano composers
Classroom performances
Peer evaluation
Method of assessment
Students will take tests and quizzes on theoretical content at the end of each unit
Students will play performance tests at the end of each week
Students will complete playing and computer check off sheets each class.
Students will complete homework assignments for grades
Students will complete a final playing exam as a recital in class on the last day of the semester
Homework will be accepted late for a penalty of 10 points for each late day. It is the student’s responsibility to make up any missed assignments due to a missed class. It is also the student’s responsibility to seek out extra help if they are struggling or falling behind in class.
Teacher Contact:
Ms. Rondeau
Piano 2
Spring 2019
Description: Throughout this course, students will gain an understanding of intermediate theory and piano playing techniques. The course will consist of group lessons, theory instruction, independent practice, and theory drill as well as small group work.
Intro to Piano Classroom Rules
Be on time
Have all required materials including your notebook, pencil, homework and headphones
Be polite, positive, and respectful
Work hard
NO food, gum, or beverages in class. If you must have water, keep it away from the keyboards
Please raise your hand to ask questions, there are many of you and only one of me!
Ask questions and ask for help when you need it
Course Content
Review of Piano 1 Content
Rhythmic Dictation
Melodic Dictation
Musical Form
Tempo Markings
Major Scales
Blues Scales
Major Triads
Minor Triads
Key Signatures
Extended playing techniques
Method of assessment
Students will take tests and quizzes on theoretical content at the end of each unit
Students will play performance tests at the end of each week
Students will complete playing and computer check off sheets each class.
Students will complete homework assignments for grades
Students will complete a final playing exam as a recital in class on the last day of the semester
Homework will be accepted late for a penalty of 10 points for each late day. It is the student’s responsibility to make up any missed assignments due to a missed class. It is also the student’s responsibility to seek out extra help if they are struggling or falling behind in class.
Teacher Contact:
Mrs. Carroll
Sounds of Jazz is an audition only high school vocal jazz ensemble. This extra-curricular jazz choir meets after school every Tuesday from 2:40-4:10.
Auditions take place every September for the current school year.
The Sounds of Jazz Google Classroom is up and running.
Class code is: rqwvg2m
Look for class announcements, updates, and practice tracks for our concert repertoire here!